"Life in all its fullness"

Zawadi AGM

Published on 10th May 2023 in School News

Student-led charity group Zawadi have held their AGM this week with an invited audience including Governors, Headteacher Mr Thornton and CEO of Yorkshire Causeway Trust, Jane Goodwin. They reported on all the events/initiatives they have organised this year reflecting on what they have raised and learned in the process.

The amount they have raised this year in total has been a huge £3040 which will all go to Artizan International enabling those with disabilities in the UK, Peru and Ecuador to live more independently. Susi Hart MBE, founder of Artizan International was delighted to receive the cheque commenting on what extraordinary individuals made up Zawadi and how she would “employ them all on the spot!”  The audience and Susi were also thrilled to hear that since Zawadi started, 14 years ago, it has now raised £50,000 for Artizan International.

Well done to the entire Zawadi team and a special mention to the four Year 13 students who will leave this year. Our Business Liaison Manager Mrs Farrar, who supports Zawadi,  had something special to say about each of the leavers. Anwen who has been the creative force behind many of Zawadi’s projects, Luas who is always smiling and willing to help, Sasha who is “enthusiasm personified” and finally Chair, Eve who has managed the team brilliantly and has “presentation skills beyond her years”.  These are all amazing qualities – we are very proud of you all and wish you all the best for your upcoming exams and future plans.

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