The RSHE parent/carer consultation (October 1st 2021) received 78 responses, which have been carefully considered. The majority of responses asked for further information to supplement the RSHE Curriculum plan. This information is now here on our school website in the form of Curriculum documents from the RS, Science and IT departments, giving more detail about what will be taught and to which year groups.
Other responses to the consultation have been grouped/paraphrased and are answered in the following Frequently Asked Questions. If you feel that your question has not been answered, please contact us directly on and we will be pleased to reply individually.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can issues such as consent, contraception and same sex relationships be taught earlier than years 10 and 11 in a ‘light touch’ way? • Contraception is currently taught in year 9 Biology, then again in year 10 (Be Real Day off timetable) then in the Autumn term of year 11 in RS. • Consent in taught in year 9 in RS. • Same sex relationships are taught in the Autumn term of year 11 specifically, but are also likely to be discussed as part of the year 9 ‘choices’ topic in RS as part of moral relativism, or how societal views change over time.
Is RSHE taught differently in a church rather than a non-church school? • Yes – RSHE at St. Aidan’s reflects our church school ethos. It aims to promote dignity of the person, wisdom and community giving space for reflection and discussion of morality and ethics in a Christian context. • No- The curriculum is the same in a church school as all other schools in the country. Each topic is taught using materials that fulfil the requirements set out by the Department for Education and provide factual information.
On line safety is scheduled for year 9 but some pupils opt out of IT in the mini-option process? • This is the case and the revised RSHE curriculum plan now accommodates this; the internet safety content has been moved to year 8.
Why was the Diocese of Bristol used for the policy template? • It was recommended by our Diocese and the Goodness and Mercy website for the Church of England RSHE support was written by their education team. Diocesan education teams often provide help and resource to other Diocese.
Does the delivery of RSHE include further sources of guidance for children with concerns? • Yes, this is suggested practice when delivering sensitive topics and our Heads of Subject have included sources of help/guidance for their classes.
Talks for parents/carers on issues such as anxiety or drug use would be useful; is this possible? • Yes, it is possible and the best sources of this kind of training, the cost and the most effective format are currently being considered. In the past, we have hosted evenings on internet use and safety for parents ‘in person’ but it may now be possible to hold a series of such events remotely.
The current year 8 cohort missed chunks of years 6/7 due to the initial lockdowns; can they catch up the information on puberty? • Yes, the Science department has made allowances for this by adapting their teaching plans. The current Year 8 pupils were taught the reproduction topic at the end of Year 7 (in school) and the current year 9 students, at the start of year 8 in school (rather than the end of year 7 remotely)
Where is your statement on equality and inclusivity? • This is available on our school website, in ‘Policies Documents/Statutory information’