Information and website links in the other areas of the Health Zone are also informative for parents, including school policies and procedures.
We also have an excellent relationship with North Yorkshire Police, who come in each year to present an advice and information evening for parents. Click here for more information.
Internet Safety
Get Safe Online – The website for the UK’s first national security campaign. It provides clear, reliable and practical internet security advice, enabling families and young people to protect themselves while online
E Safety – North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children’s Board website with many useful links dealing with protecting young people online
Drugs help and information – Each year an estimated 20,000 young people become adult problematic drug users. As a parent you have massive influence on your children’s views and behaviour, and a crucial role to play in preventing problem drug use
General Advice
Family Lives – A UK charity which offers advice and support for anyone parenting a child including, for example; teenager tips, disagreements and school refusal
NSPCC – Worried about a child? this is an excellent source of help and advice
Royal College of Psychiatrists – This website provides specifically tailored information for young people, parents, teachers and carers about mental health
Young Minds – This web page will help you find relevant information on topics such as: Abuse, ADHD, Bullying, Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Depression, Divorce and Separation, Eating Problems and Parenting Children
Bullying – Help and advice for victims of bullying, their parents and school
Families First for Health – This site provides information on special educational needs; health A-Z; your teenagers; and practical information for if your child needs to go into hospital
Immunisations – An up-to-date and accurate source of information on vaccines, disease and immunisation in the UK
Relate – Information about counselling services available for people with relationship difficulties
Moodjuice – For help with life difficulties, support for healthy living, relationships, feelings and behaviours