"Life in all its fullness"

Extended Curriculum

At St. Aidan’s we believe strongly that the school should make opportunities for students to achieve outside the classroom and to share interests and enthusiasms with fellow students. We use the term ‘extended curriculum’ to describe the vast range of clubs, activities and trips on offer beyond the formal curriculum.

Please see below the wide variety of extended curriculum activities on offer at St. Aidan’s and click through to read more.


Being Courageous Advocates

‘What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God’ (Micah 6:8)

At St. Aidan’s we believe that working for justice is a core principle of the desire for all to experience ‘life in all its fulness’ (John 10:10). The term ‘courageous advocacy’ refers to the act of speaking out against an issue of injustice, often on behalf of those whose voice is not heard. Speaking out, at whatever level this takes place, requires an element (and sometimes a great deal) of courage!

We aim to inspire courageous advocacy so that our students will challenge injustice and become agents of change in our communities from the local level to the global.


Through enterprise, organisation, team working, problem solving and resilience, the student-led organisation Zawadi has collectively raised over £40,000 for two charities founded by Susie Hart MBE – initially Neema Crafts, based in Iringa, Tanzania and latterly Artizan International which operates in the UK, Peru and Ecuador. Read more…

Eco  Committee – A group of lower school students who focus on fundraising and projects that contribute to saving the planet.

Harrogate and District Foodbank – As well as gathering and donating food items through our yearly Harvest Festival appeal, we are pleased to maintain a regular collection point for Harrogate and District Foodbank. Any members of our school community are able to contribute tinned and preserved foods, hygiene products and household items at any time to the basket in Main School Reception with particular year groups taking primary responsibility each month. 

Clothes Bank – We collect donations from our school community and passing them on to Clothes Bank.

Children in Need – Sixth Form dress up and the whole school fundraises on this day every year.

Skinted – A Sixth Form led pre-loved clothes sale where proceeds are donated to Labour Behind the Label, a charity that works to protect those exploited by the clothing industry.

Disasters Emergency Committee – Whenever there is an international disaster, we invite members of our school community to contribute

Wellspring  – In recognition of the wonderful work of this Christian charity, we fundraised to support their mental health initiatives.

Christian Aid/The Childrens Society – All money donated at our Harvest and Christmas Services each year is donated to these charities.

Franks Fund – Student led funding raised by friends of former student Frank Ashton. 

St Michael’s Hospice – Chamber Choir contribute to the Light up a Life service each December where visitors remember loved ones.

students meet regularly and fundraise, write letters and raise awareness through initiatives motivated by their beliefs in Human Rights.

Duke of Edinburgh

The Duke of Edinburgh Award is committed to providing young people an enjoyable, challenging and rewarding programme of personal development which is of the highest quality and the widest reach.

The Award Scheme, a registered charity, is a voluntary non-competitive programme of activities for anyone aged 14-25. It provides individual challenge and encourages young people to undertake constructive, challenging and enjoyable activities in their free time. Read more…

Eco Club

Eco Club was started by students across Key Stage Three as they wanted to help their planet in the wakening crisis. Last year students were learning about palm oil and raising awareness by writing to companies advising on sustainable palm oil.

Music Extra Curricular Timetable

Extra-Curricular Performing Arts 2024-2025

PE Extra Curricular Activities

School Productions

Drama at St. Aidan’s is a high-profile and extremely popular extra-curricular activity for all ages. With no previous experience necessary, this is an ideal opportunity to expand a circle of friends and work cooperatively whilst experiencing aspects of theatre performance. Read more…

Start the Music

Start the Music is a scheme that funds approximately 6 students each year to learn a new musical instrument. Read more…

Trips & visits

For an overview and details of the fantastic trips available to St. Aidan’s students during their time with us, please see The St. Aidan’s Offer.

Please click on the links on the right hand side grey menu (see above) to access information for trips and visits for each year group.

Art Extra Curricular Clubs

Art Club Information 2024/2025


Full timetable of all extra curricular clubs Autumn/Winter 2024-2025

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