"Life in all its fullness"


St. Aidan’s Staff

Senior Leadership Team


Mrs S DoverHeadteacher
Mrs F JohnstonInterim Deputy Headteacher (DSL and Pastoral)
Dr L HoltAssistant Headteacher - Director of Sixth Form
Mrs K DouglasAssistant Headteacher (Inclusion and Student Wellbeing)
Mr D HoldsworthAssistant Headteacher (Behaviour, Culture and Enrichment)
Mrs C KingAssistant Headteacher (Assessment, Progress and Reporting)
Mrs M GeeAssistant Headteacher (Learning and Professional Development)
Mr T HainsworthSenior Leader (Systems Implementation Lead) - Quality Assurance and School Improvement

Heads of Year

Main School
Ms E ReynardHead of Year 7Mrs L McKenzieAssistant Head of Year 7
Mr D BeanHead of Year 8Mrs S SienkiewiczAssistant Head of Year 8
Mr G Huband Head of Year 9Mrs N ConnellAssistant Head of Year 9
Mr P AlkerHead of Year 10Mrs C HolbrookAssistant Head of Year 10
Ms H StricklandHead of Year 11Mrs M KitchingAssistant Head of Year 11
Sixth Form
Dr L HoltDirector of Sixth FormMrs K OrtonDeputy Director of Sixth Form
Mr L MargerisonHead of Year 12Mrs A DinsdaleAssistant Head of Year 12
Mr N DinsdaleHead of Year 13Mrs L DoddsAssistant Head of Year 13
Pastoral Support Team
Mrs L ShoresHead of Chaplaincy
Mrs H AthertonPastoral Inclusion Manager
Mrs K KlauserPastoral Learning Mentor
Mrs S KingSafeguarding and Wellbeing Officer (post-16)
Mrs C ChildsSchool Counsellor
Mrs E LittlejohnSchool Nurse

Heads of Department

Faculty of Mathematics and Commerce
Mr D WalkerDirector of Learning: Commerce
Mr G ButcherHead of Computing and IT
Mr M PerryHead of Business and Economics
Mrs J MooneyKS3 Lead for Maths
Mr B HardyKS5 Lead for Maths
Faculty of English and Communications
Mrs S ByrneDirector of Learning: Communication
Mrs F TroughtHead of Media Studies
Miss K BlackburnKS3 Lead for English
Mrs L TaylorKS5 Lead for English
Faculty of Science
Mr M SymesDirector of Learning: Science
Dr M BryantHead of Biology
Mr J WilsonHead of Physics
Faculty of Humanities
Mrs A LennoxDirector of Learning: Humanities
Dr F MurrayHead of History and Politics
Mrs C RobinsonHead of Geography
Ms K WilsonHead of Religious Studies
Faculty of Social and Cultural Studies
Mr A MacCallumDirector of Learning: Social and Cultural Studies
Mr D WeareHead of Languages
Mr B PayntonHead of Pyschology
Ms Y WraightHead of Sociology
Mrs R BuchanHead of EPQ
Faculty of Performing Arts
Mrs V ElliottDirector of Learning: Performance
Miss S MillerHead of Dance
Mrs E LevahnHead of Drama
Mrs L CollettHead of Music (job share)
Mrs J LeonardHead of Music (job share)
Faculty of Art and Technology
Miss C MetcalfeDirector of Learning: Art and Technology
Mr N BotterillHead of Product Design and Engineering
Miss M WalkerHead of Food Technology and Textiles
Faculty of Health and Wellbeing
Mr J StroverDirector of Learning: Health and Wellbeing
Mrs H Goacher-RichardsonHead of PE
Miss Shelly WadhamsHead of Sports Studies
Mrs A DawsonHead of PHSE
Faculty of SEND
Mrs J RowlandDirector of Learning Support: SENDCO
Mrs R HallAssistant SENDCO
Miss M ChanterAssistant SENDCO (mat cover)

Form Tutors

Main School
7FMrs S Howell8FDr S O'Mahoney
7LMr T Harrison8LMr D Weare
7OMs A Lane80Mr S Taylor
7UMrs A Parris8UMrs C Hunter
7RMr T Cottrill8RMrs O Clarey
7IMr P Lamb8IMr G McVey
7SMr M Park8SMiss K Blackburn
7HMrs L Emms (M/T/W/F)/ Mrs T Mallender (Th)8HMrs R Christie
7EMr S Griffin8EMr M Keating
7DMiss S Wadhams8DMiss F Wood
9FMrs A Forsyth10FMr N Botterill
9LMr N Leach10LMr G Butcher
9OMrs S Stone (M/T/Th/Fr)/ Mrs A Lennox (W)10OMrs H Towse (M/T/Th/Fr) / Ms L Cuthbert (W)
9U Mrs E Searby (M/W/Th/Fr)/ Miss C Metcalfe (T)10UMrs J Candy (M/T/W/Fr) / Mrs J Otty (Th)
9RMiss P Chappell10RMs Y Wraight
9IDr M Bryant10IMrs J Mooney
9SMrs A Fisher10SMrs S Robertson (T/W/Th/Fr)/ Mr M Symes (M)
9HMrs D Cartwright (M/T/Th/Fr) / Mr J Strover (W)10HMrs L Watson
9EMrs O Morgan10EMr C Walton
9DMiss S Hendrick10DMrs L Taylor (T/W/Th/Fr) / Mrs L Cuthbert (M)
11CMrs A Murray(M/W/Th)/ Mrs M Phillpotts (T/F)
11DMr J Charlesworth
11EMiss L Francis
11GMrs K Wilson
11PMiss V Luty
11SMrs F Trought
11WMrs C Robinson
11YMr J Wilson
Sixth Form
12AMr M Perry13AMr M Walsh
12BDr F Murray13BMiss C Bramley
12CMr F Motashar (M/F)/ Mrs S Hooper (T/W/Th)13CMr R Illingworth (W/Th/F)/ Mrs J Otway (M/T)
12DMs M Keki-Walton (M/F)Mrs D Shaftoe (T/W/Th) 13DMr A Rosser
12EMr A MacAllum (M)Mr S Pickard(T/W Mrs C Mortimer (Th/F)13EMr B Paynton
12FMrs E Scatchard (M/T/W/Th)Mr A MacAllum (F)13FMs R Buchan
12GMrs S Capell (T/W/F)/ Mrs V Elliot (M) / Miss S Miller (Th)13GMrs H Goacher-Richardson
12HMrs J Leonard (T/W/Th) / Mrs S Byrne (M)/ Mrs C Foster (F)13HMr J Maullin
12IMr B Hardy13IMr P Taylor
12JMrs P Everingham13JMr J Cleminson
12KMr D Elliott (M/T/Th/F) / Mrs H Williams (W)13KM M Harper
12LMrs S Styles (M/T/W/F) Mr P Devall (Th)13LMrs A Dawson (M/W/Th/F)/ Mr D Walker (T)
Mrs J Duckworth (M/Th/F) Mrs Bassindale (T/W)
13MMiss M Walker
12NMrs N Harper (T/W/Th) / Mrs M McInally (M/F)13NMiss L Blewitt


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