St Aidan’s Church of England High School became an Academy in August 2011 and provides an education for students aged 11-19. The foundation of the school is a Church of England one, but the school has a uniquely vibrant and diverse community. Applications are welcomed from all Christian denominations, those who are members of world faiths and those who are members of the local community.
Yorkshire Causeway Schools Trust is responsible for determining the admission arrangements for the school, however in terms of procedure we closely follow the policy and timings of North Yorkshire Council.
Admissions 2026/2027
Year 7 Admissions Arrangements for September 2026
The school’s pupil admission number (PAN) is 250. If we receive more applications than 250, we will use our published Admissions Policy to allocate places.
The determined Admissions Policy for 2026/2027 is below:
In order to make an application for a place at St Aidan’s in Year 7 starting in September 2026 you will need to complete the Common Application Form (CAF) via North Yorkshire County Council. For North Yorkshire Council’s Guide to applications, including how to access and complete the CAF form, please click here The deadline for completion of the CAF is 31st October 2025.
If your Local Authority is not North Yorkshire Council, you will need to contact the relevant Local Authority for guidance on how to complete the Common Application Form (CAF).
For applicants who wish to be considerer under priorities 3, 5 or 6 of the Admissions Policy you will also need to provide some additional information by completing a St Aidan’s Supplementary Information form. This form is appended to the Admissions Policy, and it is also available here:
Supplementary Information Form (SIF) 2026/27
The form should be submitted directly to St Aidan’s either by email to or delivered by hand to the school’s Main Reception. If you chose to post the form, please use a guaranteed postal service and ensure that you contact the school to check safe receipt. The deadline for submission of the form is the 31st October 2025.
Should you require a hard copy of the Admissions Policy or SIF form please contact the Admissions Team via email or by telephone on 01423 885814 (option 3).
Note: the previous Admissions Policy used for entry into September 2025 is available within the Year 7 Oversubscription Criteria for September 2025 section of this page.
Admissions 2025/2026
Year 7 Appeals for September 2026
Guidance regarding the appeals process is available on the North Yorkshire Council’s website: Appeal for a school place | North Yorkshire Council
The following key documents are available on the above site:
- NYC School Admission Appeal form
- Guidance on completing appeal form
- Notes on the appeals process
- Frequently asked questions
- Information about group hearings
The deadline for submitting an appeal is 31st March 2025.
Year 7 Oversubscription Criteria for September 2025
The oversubscription criteria for entry into Year 7 in September 2025 can be found here: Oversubscription Criteria
Admissions 2024/2025 – In-Year Admissions Arrangements
We understand that sometimes children need to apply for a school place mid-year, they may be new to the area or wish to request to move to a new school. An in-year application can be made to St Aidan’s at any time of the year by completing the relevant North Yorkshire Council application alongside a St Aidan’s Supplementary Information Form (SIF) if required.
Details of how to make an application with North Yorkshire Council can be found here Changing schools and in-year applications | North Yorkshire Council
St Aidan’s will notify North Yorkshire Council of the outcome of an in-year application within 15 school days of the date that the application was received. Where an application is declined the school will outline the reason for this decision to North Yorkshire Council and the applicant will be provided clear information about the right to appeal.
When an applicant is offered a school place following their application and the offer is subsequently accepted the school will make arrangements for the child to start school as soon as possible.
Waiting lists for each year group are in operation and any in-year applications that are declined are automatically added to the relevant list. Each list is kept in the priority order of our Oversubscription Criteria and is retained until the academic year to which they relate. You will need to complete a new in-year application for each academic year, to ensure that you remain on the relevant list.
If an application is being made under priority 3, 5 or 6 of the oversubscription criteria order please complete and return a St Aidan’s Supplementary Information Form (SIF) to school. This will ensure that the application is positioned in the correct place on the waiting list. Forms can be sent by email to , posted to school or brought into the school’s Main Reception.
Should you require a hard copy of the SIF form, or if you have any queries regarding the in-year admissions process please contact us via email to or by telephone on 01423 885814 (option 3).
Sixth Form
Please telephone the Sixth Form Office on 01423 818516 to discuss your situation.