The Computing department aims to develop e-confident learners who have an understanding of Computer Science and the processes that run in the background of any computer system; whether that is through the study of computation or even learning programming skills.
Mr G Butcher – Head of Department
For the ICT/Computing Learning Journeys, please visit the links below:
Key stage 3 students follow a hands-on course that covers office applications, new media (such as video and animation), programming and safe and effective use of the internet.
For further information please see our Main School Prospectus
Students will be introduced to the Computer Systems architecture, computer memory and storage, wired and wireless networks, network topologies, system security and system software. You will study the impact of Computer Science in a global context through looking at the ethical, legal, cultural and environmental concerns associated with Computer Science, and apply this knowledge using computational thinking.
For further information please see our KS4 Options Booklet 2025
On the A Level Computing course, students will study how computer systems work, with emphasis on computational thinking. It involves questions that have the potential to change how we view the world.
For further information please see our Associated Sixth Form Prospectus
Additional Learning Resources
Please speak to your teacher regarding additional learning resources within the department.