"Life in all its fullness"

Key Stage 5 Careers



During your time in the Associated Sixth Form the Careers Department will work with you and your Senior Tutors to help you make post-18 applications for university, college, apprenticeships and employment or to plan for a gap year. We will also provide further guidance on applying for student finance and replying to offers you receive.

Individual career guidance interviews can be booked directly with the Careers Department during non-lesson times. We very much recognise and value the input of parents and carers and are keen to support them in helping students make informed and realistic career decisions. As such, parents and carers are welcome to attend career appointments or can contact the department at any time to talk to a Careers Adviser. We also attend parents’ evenings and host information events specifically for parents and carers.

For further information on all the above please contact us on 01423 818534 or email careersstaff@staidans.co.uk

Cover Sheet for Post 18 Applications

The Parents’ Guide to NCW 2024

Post-18 Options Evening 2024 Presentation

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